Mopar Body & Sheet Metal Quick Reference - 1940-1948 (35 MB)
This file is 35 MB. It's best to right click the link and download it to your computer. The manual lists part numbers and cross-references for parts related to body repairs for all Chrysler divisions. The text is searchable, but all text was not recognized by the OCR software so it is best to manually check each division for cross-references.
Standard Parts List, Issued July 1944 (4 MB)
This lists and includes the specifications of standard parts such as nuts, bolts, washers, etc. It's a great resource for figuring out exactly what fastener was used for a particular application. Use your vehicle's parts manual to find the part numbers and then use this to find the details on the standard parts.
1936-1942 Plymouth Shop Manual (12 MB)
This appears to be a collection of abridged versions of the 1936-1942 shop manuals.
Plymouth Judging Guide, 1928-1939 (1 MB)
Judging guide from Plymouth Owners Club for Group 1 cars. Full of good reference information.
Plymouth Judging Guide, 1940-1959 (1 MB)
Judging guide from Plymouth Owners Club for Group 2 cars. Full of good reference information.
Plymouth Judging Guide, 1960-current (1 MB)
Judging guide from Plymouth Owners Club for Group 3 cars. Full of good reference information.